2) bab smayang gak. hari aper ntah. lupa. tp, tyme tu aku pakai kaen pelikat. huarrgghhhh. punya la konfiden badak, pi smayang kat masjed, pkai kaen pelikat. on the way dlm masjed nk ker saf tu, hahahah, jln cam supermodel, niii, ...
Altough it was big silent after the above mentioned deadline, North West Development Corporation did not sell it's stakes to anyone until September, 2003 when Kersaf Investments bought them. ... What makes the whole story interesting is that JI is still active both in California and Delaware managed by Estate lawyer Zia Modabber. It means that despite the many unfortunate business ventures one or the other might still work and produce money for the Estate. ...
manzlie: Makkah, Saudi Arabia: Assalamualaikum dari Makkah, Menetap di Kota Makkah dan berkerja di HOTEL AL-JEWWAR ROYALE ORCHID yang terletak betul-betul sekali di hadapan Masjidil Haram. Sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan kehidupan di Kota ...